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About Us

We’re a team of operators who grew frustrated with the friction that exists between people and the structures they needed to do their best work.

Now that companies are remote and hybrid, teams have to rely on software to get trained rather than other people. This is a problem because current learning tools are built to supplement in-person experiences, not replace them. (Meaning employees must fill the gaps with gut feelings and guesswork.)

We’re solving that problem by building smart learning tools that adapt to the way people learn and work today.

Our headcount is small on purpose and we punch above our weight. From startups to multinational enterprises, Basewell is used daily to help people all over the world do their best work.


We’re fortunate to be backed by world’s best venture firms, product builders, operators, and designers.

First institutional investor in Loom, Luminar ($LAZR), and more.

Brandon Arvanaghi

CEO, Meow

Derek Briggs

Head of Design, Clerk

Ben Hylak

Lead Engineer, Dawn AI

Adam Whitcroft

Design, Owner

Andres Kupervaser Gould

Founder, The Network

Adam Lebovitz

Investor, BAM

Will Stewart

Founder, Glucolight

Brian Walker

Investor, Rubicon

Landon Hale

Founder, Post Oak